The book of Heb. Chapter 11: Is Gods Hall Of Fame Of Men And Women Of Faith.
By Faith it says. I want you to notice that everyone of these people that are mentioned here in Heb. 11: are what the world calls the scum of the earth. And out cast.
Here in Heb. 11: We have a list of people who were murders, drunkers, prostitutes and adulterers. These are people the world looks down on as failures of society. But these are the ones that God has chosen to do His will. And these are the ones that God entered into His Hall Of Fame Of Faith. Not one of these people had prestige.
These people listed in Gods Hall Of Fame are not Superstars, like the people we see in the hall of fame of the world today. These people was rejected by the world system. But they was excepted by God.
That is what I love about Jesus. He loves us even though we fail from time to time. He is always ready to forgive us. The world says 3 strikes and you are out. Jesus never counts us out or gives up on us.
So it goes to show you when God gives you a vision to share His word. Stay with it and don't let anything or anyone turn you away from what God has called you to do for His Glory. By faith stay with it no matter how hard the devil comes at you. Remember, Jesus already defeated the devil.
The power of faith is set forth in victories. These people was counted Righteous because of their faith in all things. Faith also sets us free from personal bondage of sin. Faith also blesses us with our personal needs. And all our needs will be met by faith.
By faith we fear nothing that the devil throws at us. We trust God for His protection. And we rest in total peace in God. A peace that passes all understanding. By faith we will escape all evil. These people lived on the edge of bring killed everyday because of their faith in God. But they never feared. They just trusted God and His promises by faith. And they won the battle over the devil.
So, reading in Heb. 11: I have come to realize that the most important thing is. Do you personally know Jesus? I am not impressed about all your college degrees or how many home runs you hit in a season. Or how rich you are. I want to know one and only one thing. Do you know Jesus.
Every thing the Bible says is coming our way. And will all come to pass and we better believe and trust that the Bible is true. And it will be our faith in God that bring us through it all. We better put on the full armor of God.
Everything the world has to offer you and I, is perishing. But the things of God will stand forever...
What hurts me to the core of my spirit is the miss interpition of the Bible today. Great leaders of mega Churches today are teaching that God will bless you with riches of this world. Like new cars, nice homes, etc... The truth is, God is not going to over whelm us with all the riches of the world. Why? Because if he did we would have our hearts and minds set on the world instead the things God.
People in third world countries are persecuted and even killed for their faith in Jesus Christ. And they did not receive the riches of this world. Oh how sad this is. Lord Jesus help us get our minds off of the riches of this world. It seems like to me, that these mega churches are competing with each other for top ranking among each other.
I am so ready for God to end all evil on this earth. Every were we look we hear and see how the devil is running ramped through out the earth. Destroying lives breaking up homes. Mass suicide and murders, etc... The world needs the true message of Jesus.
The calling that the Lord has put upon my heart and called me to do for His Glory. I hope it puts me on the devils hit list. See, it goes like this, if the devil is not attacking you, you are walking with him. That is why I put together this blog site. To share the truth about Jesus Christ and reveal the lies of the devil.
God has given me a burden to reach people world wide for the Kingdom of God. By way of the Internet. Just as Gods people wrote what God revealed to them in the Bible. So I write (type) what God reveals to me through His word in the Bible. This is what God has called me to do for His Glory and Honor.
I feel in my spirit we do not have much time left to warn the people who are lost. There is something that is going to happen very soon, that will shake the foundation of the earth. I feel a sense of urgency to share the good news of the Gospel to a lost and dieing world through the Internet.
When I see and hear all the evil things that is happening all around us and in the world. It makes me sick at my stomach watching the devil having his way. I was thinking it is time for us as Christians to stand up and be one step ahead of the devil and bind him in Jesus name and prevent some of these things from happening. By prayer and believing and trusting God to intervene before the devil attacks.
It is recorded through out the scriptures that Gods people won many battles and prevented the devil from causing disasters. This same thing can happen today, if we would get out of our comfort zone. And start praying for God to intervene before the devil attacks.
It is time for us as Christians to embrace Jesus and defeat the devil in Jesus name. Amen...
AMEN!!! Are YOU ready to go out into the WORLD & speak the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST? Join me & other BELIEVERS like (JOHN) & do GOD'S will of telling others of GOD's LOVE for the lost (unbeliever) to come through HIS SON JESUS CHRIST the ONLY WAY OF SALVATION JESUS died for our sins on the CROSS at CALVARY & rose from the dead on the 3rd day & is in Heaven with HIS FATHER ALMIGHTY GOD!!!!!!! GLORY BE HIS MIGHTY NAME! CREATOR OF HEAVEN & EARTH!!! AMEN!!!