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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Becoming Born Again

Becoming born again in Christ Jesus is like a caterpillar and a butterfly. Let me explain. Funny but true. We crawl around all our lives in all the filth that the world has to offer. Never seeing all the beauty the world has to offer. Then we come to the end of our rope. And we become discouraged with the same old same old of failing and sinning getting nowhere fast. We notice we are getting older.

Then one day we are lead by the Holy Spirit to receive Jesus as our Saviour and we get saved. And low and behold we become a butterfly. And we are now allowed to fly above all the filth that we lived in so long. And now we see for the first time in our lives all the beauty that was there all the time.

Recieve Jesus as your Saviour today. And soar with the eagles.

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