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Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Flower That No One Saw

The blessings we receive by helping others. This is a story about how a born again believer might feel from time to time in their life. They spend long hours helping others and doing good works for the Kingdom of God. And then one day they feel like no one cares or notices how hard they are working reaching out to others in need.

This story begins in a lonely valley surrounded by mountains. And there stands all by itself a beautiful flower. Every day reaching to Heaven.

This flower stands strong everyday in the warmth of the sun giving off it's beauty to the world. And it seems as if no one notices it standing there day after day.

So it is with us. We work so hard to be a light unto the world. Helping others and doing good for the Glory of God by keeping our faith in action. Because we know from the scriptures that faith without works is dead.

And over a period of time we begin to start feeling a little let down and hurt because we feel like no one cares about what we are doing or notices what we are called to do for the Kingdom of God.

In Matthew 6:28,29 we read,

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

Jesus said that God notices that flower. That no one else seems to notice.

So, this is how God notices you and what you are doing for His Kingdom. God never takes His eyes off of you. When you feel that no one else notices your efforts. God never takes His eyes off His children.

So, the message of this story is. Never ever feel that your work for God is done in vain. God has His eyes on you and is well pleased with you. God sees you and smiles. And what God sees in secret He rewards openly.

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